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The Chochołow Thermal Baths

are located about 100 km from Krakow.

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Properties of thermal water:

The water is rich in sulfur, magnesium, calcium and potassium, which have beneficial properties for the skin, bones and internal organs. Baths in the water improve blood circulation and regulate blood pressure, reduce the excitability of sensory and motor nerves, calm and improve the mood.

Raw sulfuric water in the treatment zone has a slightly acid reaction, which softens the skin and naturally forces the body to produce a new epidermis.


  • Two internal playgrounds with paddling pools, water attractions and family slides

  • Steam bath for children

  • Two pontoon slides, one of which is 168 m long

  • Slide with trapdoor

  • Water volleyball and basketball courts

  • Wild river

  • Climbing grid

  • Textile sauna and salt cave in the pool area

  • The largest in the Podhale Saunarium with a panoramic sauna and sipping sessions

  • Treatment zone with raw sulfur water and brine-iodine water

Depth of water extraction:

3 600 m

For more information, please visit

Tour price per group:

50£ / 60Є / 65$


Le prix du voyage comprend

  • Door-to-door service: You will be picked up and taken directly to / from your hotel / selected location in Krakow
  • Our english speaking driver will help you to buy a ticket while traveling. This makes the trip enjoyable – you do not have to worry about anything
  • Entry ticket to the Thermal Baths (3 hours) – Pools, Relax & Fun Zone

Frais supplémentaires :

Sauna Zone (adults only)


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