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Offer for Companies

We invite small, medium and large companies from various industries who are looking for a professional company to service their employees in Krakow and the surrounding area. Transporting employees to conferences, business meetings, company trips for training, or maybe an airport transfer? These and a number of other services can be found in our offer – we professionally carry out any order related to the transport of people.

We also offer a number of tours for guests who want to visit the biggest tourist attractions. We will take them to the most interesting

and most beautiful parts of Poland, which will be a nice touch to diversify business meetings or integrate your company’s employees.

We know how important punctuality is in business! Nothing makes such a good impression on a potential contractor like arriving in time for an important meeting. That is why our drivers make every effort to ensure that each order is completed not only safely, but also on time. We invite you to cooperation. If you have questions, please contact our team!

We offer full service also in German.







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